My Y!

Wednesday 13 February 2008

Pardon me...

Soal posting sebelomnya. Kebegoan saya adalah, saya harusnya ngopi ato bikin tulisan tersebut di notepad dulu baru kemudian di posting ke blog. But I'm not. Entah kenapa, belakangan ini punya banyak inspirasi yang mo ditulis dan beberapa buat dirilis di blog, inspirasi yang ngga dateng di saat yang pas. Inspirasi yang dateng pas saya lagi nyuci piring, nyuci baju, nyapu lantai, baca buku, any moment, mention it, tapi ngga pas lagi ngadep komputer ato deket blocknote tempat biasa nuangin curahan hati. D**n!

Eniwei, hari ini lagi flu dan otak meler2 secara sadis, ditambah lagi napas agak sesak, satu... dua... satu... dua... satu..........................

Enihow, how's life today? Cr*p! sekarang juga ga da inspirasi buat ditulis. Wrong Time.... Wrong Place.... Wrong moments. Maybe I should try to on line while I'm sitting on toilet...


Anonymous said...

Still remember the destruction of the world complex?

You're not leveling up? I guess I'm begun to level up, though I guess I'm leveling down right now.

As a normal man I admire Dian Sastro, but after realizing things: I just need a rival. But out there, there are a lot of people which is stronger than me: and they are saints. he2.

So clearly, I'm still stuck here, stupidly. But I'm not gonna give up. It's part of the raphsody of the youth, I guess.

I just want to ask people: have you ever died?

How far you know how the world works?

I'm still learning whether the earth move around the sun or otherwise. for me this is important.

Anonymous said...

Please forget my last comment. I'm a bit of being stressed, so I couldnt control myself well.

Please, dont fall for something wrong out there. You are a women, remember that! Dont be friend with wrong persons.

“Mereka satu sama lain selalu tidak melarang tindakan mungkar yang mereka perbuat. Sesungguhnya amat buruklah apa yang selalu mereka perbuat itu” (Al-Maidah:79).

Abu Hurairah berkata, Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam bersabda :
“(Agama) seseorang (dikenal) dari agama temannya maka perhatikanlah siapa temanmu.” (As Shahihah 927)

- Your brother, Helmi "hilmi"