My Y!

Friday 25 April 2008

it's all about me, sadly...

I should remember
the right guy not always stay
someone that I never knew
or someone that I did not expected
or someone who already steal my heart
but I did not notice it
or I never know

until the day come to the end
when the sun who rise
finally set in the west
I'll keep my eyes on you

Together we'll seek the truth
until our different life.. touch each other
two ways of line... finally met on a single mark
then draw itself together... as a single line
'til death do us apart

P.S.: Puisi in ane ketemeuin di antara beberapa kertas sisa jaman dahulu, kebetulan bareng ama block note and bukunya Natsume Soseki's I am A cat punyanya Leli (maap Le, ternyata blom kebaca mpe sekarang). Keknya waktu itu lagi brokenhearted deh.... Dan kemaren menemukan kecengan waktu jalan-jalan. Seorang kecengan iseng buat have fun gila ajah ma temen saya yang atu ini. SEMANGAT Yenk!

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