My Y!

Monday, 31 December 2007

Auld Lang Syne

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind ?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne ?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.

And surely ye’ll be your pint-stoup !
And surely I’ll be mine !
And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.


We twa hae run about the braes,
and pou’d the gowans fine ;
But we’ve wander’d mony a weary fit,
sin’ auld lang syne.


We twa hae paidl’d in the burn,
frae morning sun till dine ;
But seas between us braid hae roar’d
sin’ auld lang syne.


And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere !
And gies a hand o’ thine !
And we’ll tak a right gude-willie-waught,
for auld lang syne.

"Auld Lang Syne" is an extremely old Scottish song that was first written down in the 1700s. Robert Burns is the person whose transcription got the most attention, so the song is associated with him.

A good translation of the words "auld lang syne" is "times gone by." So (incorporating a couple of other translations) when we sing this song, we are saying, "We'll drink a cup of kindness yet for times gone by."

Happy New Year Everybody......

We are Marshall

Have you ever heard this title? it's a good movie. Mengingatkan saya jaman2 SMA dulu, maen basket sama anak-anak. Sering kalah... *mengedikkan bahu*

Well, it is about the journay of a football team, more specific, university football team. You know, in States, city usually support their American football team in the league. In West Virginia, there is Marshall University who have the Thundering Herd, their football team. In November 14, 1970, a plane crash with 75 casualties, they are the players, coaches, supporters and city council of the city. Huntington lost their sons, spouses, parents, brothers and friends. They never had a football team aver since, until the university president was being persuaded to reconsider by the please of the Marshall students and Huntington residents. The president then hired Jack Lengyel and some others people as the coach and started to rebuild the team from zero (not, there is a few player from the former team who didn't join the rest of the team).

The fighting to revbuild the team was tremendous. Idea of a-must-winning-team-in-sport was break with a-having-fun-in-playing-sport. Awesome movie.

Four and a half stars, four thumbs up. Asoy...

Friday, 28 December 2007

Berduka cita

Turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya salah seorang tokoh politik yang populer. Beliau adalah Benazir Bhutto. Lewat kematiannya yang cukup tragis (ditembak oleh seorang pembunuh, keknya sich dari belakang menurut salah sebuah kolom berita di Kompas hari ini, kemudian sang penembak melakukan aksi bom bunuh diri dan membawa serta 20an orang untuk meninggal), kita semua diingatkan, bahwa perang politik bisa meluas hingga kemanapun, bahkan hingga menewaskan (jika perlu) banyak orang. Inalillahi wa inna ilaihi roji'un...

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Check my photo....

Cuma pengen komentar iseng ajah....

Pernah liat icon saya yang di flickr, di samping? Di situ kayanya wajah saya jadi chubby, nampaknya ajah... Actually, I'm getting thinner. Semua orang bilang seperti itu. Saya baru ngerasa aja belakangan, itupun juga dibantu dengan perasaan kalo celana jeans saya dah ga seketat dulu. Agak-agak lowong gitu.. Bahkan sampe kemaren waktu ketemu dosen di kampus yang dah lama banget ga ketemu, pas pertama ketemu beliau malah bilang,"Kok tambah kurus, Tu. Kenapa?" Saya ga bisa bilang apa2.

Ga da sebab khusus yang bikin saya tambah kurus. Stress? Kadang2, namanya juga mahasiswa semester akhir. Ga bisa makan? Ngga juga, last time I check, nafsu makan masih baik2 aja. Mungkin dah ga segila dulu yah... Tapi ga beda2 jauh lah. Temen sekamar waktu kos juga bilang,"Dulu tuh ya, lo kalo pake celana pantat loe masih keliatan nonggeng." (Ya Allah, pantat gw disebut-sebut). Kalo inget ini jadi inget suatu sore, kita berdua kelaparan dan ga napsu liat makanan (karena lebih napsu pengen menghabisi mereka semua daripada diliat doang). Setelah bekerja sesiangan ngebersihin kamar yang berantakan (maklum, kita berdua emang males beberes, sekalinya beberes, sapu bersih!) kita ke kantin dan memesan mie instan kuah double pake telor.

Okay, itu ngga akan jadi masalah banget, kalo ternyata mi yang kita pesen tuh cukup masuk di mangkok ukuran regular. Kita harus make mangkok sayur! And for each of us, so there is two mangkok sayur full of noodle and egg, that we should eat. God! Ga kebayang sekarang kalo mie itu tersaji di depan mata, mana mampu ngehabisin sendirian. Kalo inget itu jadi ngerasa gedhe juga yah napsu saya. Hiyh!

Ga heran juga, jaman dulu itu saya gendut. Bahkan pas pulang pertama kali semenjak jauh dari orang tua, Bapak cuma bilang,"Gendut kok di pipi doang." Ya begitulah. Cukup banyak cewek2 yang iri, seberapa banyak pun saya makan, kayaknya naek cuma 2-3 kiloan. Ga nampak tambah gendut dimanapun, kecuali di pipi. Perut ga nyampe jadi one pack rounded. Aneh. Saya pikir saya pasti cacingan. Ternyata juga ngga. Aha! Saya tau! Cacing saya segedhe naga..... That's explain the whole thing... Ya ya ya.....

P.S.: Saya nulis ini sambil nunggu ujan reda di luar sana. Dan saya lagi tergila-gila serial Korea Paris ui Yeonin, ga ngarti? Oh... Des Amouroux in Paris. Masih ga ngarti juga? Lovers in Paris. Itu tuh, yang maen di Indosiar jam 7 pagi. Liat ndiri yah... Saya suka ma tokoh yang di peranin ma Lee Dong gun, jahat emang, tapi asoy.

Saturday, 15 December 2007

Mr. Brooks

Eh, on this review, i'll try my best to deliver it to you all my fellow readers by using english. eh, ehem... err.. well... like this.

Ehem! how many times have you ever seen a psycho-thriller movie? unlike other psycho-thriller, this movie has been started by saying that the main cast, mr. brooks (kevin costner) is having a schyzoprenia. he has an alter ego named marshall. both of them (i mean mr. brooks-
nya... eh) is having a favorite in killing people. they addicted to it. mr brooks has trying to stop but marshall keep on persuade him to go on. everything is always end up perfect, until a mistake in a murder scene that make them being blackmailed by a man named Bafford (address himself with name mr. smith). he asking mr brooks (cape nulisnya, mr.brooks gw ganti jadi earl aja yah... eh) to take him everytime earl kill people. watta brute you guys... anyway... they started doing it by driving around, try to find people they don't know to be killed, how to investigate their usual life, habitual, friends and foe.

Every bad guy has their cops to chase them. here, played by demi moore, a rich girl named atwood (has a major problem with her ex-husband-to-be who asking too much money through his councillor and her being chased by a maniac who escaped from a prison trying to kill).
I'll make it short. earl trying to stop, atwood do anythings to find the thumbprint killer (=earl, but she don't know yet that its earl, you know), bafford started to get pissed, earl ask bafford to kill him, but changed his mind in the end because he want to see his grandchild grown up.

Have i mention that earl has a family and his daughter has a tendency to follow her father path, like to take someone else's life? i'll consider you know. anywaaay.... it's all end up good and everybody's happy. except bafford.

Rekomendet 3,5 star (scale 1 to 5)

P.S.: It turns out that I still likes brutal movies. Huahahahahaa..... *devilish laugh*

Thursday, 13 December 2007

Alicia Keys and John Mayer

Edited guys.... Thanks to you who already give a comment, mate....

If I Ain't Got You
by Alicia Keys

Some people live for the fortune

Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power, yeah
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things
Define what's within
And I've been there before
But that life's a bore
So full of the superficial

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, Yeah

Some people search for a fountain
That promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love them
Hand me the world on a silver platter
And what good would it be
With no one to share
With no one who truly cares for me

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, you, you
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, yeah

If I ain't got you with me baby
So nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing
If I ain't got you with me baby

Waiting on the World to Change
by John Mayer

Me and all my friends

We're all misunderstood
They say we stand for nothing and
There's no way we ever could
Now we see everything is going wrong
With the world and those who lead it
We just feel like we don't have the means
To rise above and beat it

So we keep waiting (waiting)
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting (waiting)
Waiting on the world to change
Its hard to beat the system
When we're standing at a distance
So we keep waiting (waiting)
Waiting on the world to change

Now if we had the power
To bring our neighbors home from war
They would've never missed a Christmas
No more ribbons on their door
When you trust your television
What you get is what you got
Cuz when they own the information ooohhh,
They can bend it all they want

So while we're waiting (waiting)
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting (waiting)
Waiting on the world to change
It's not that we don't care
We just know that the fight ain't fair
So we keep on waiting (waiting)
Waiting on the world to change

We're still waiting (waiting)
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting (waiting)
Waiting on the world to change
One day our generation
Is gonna rule the population

So we keep on waiting (waiting)
Waiting on the world to change
No, we keep on waiting (waiting)
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting (waiting)
Waiting on the world to change
Waiting on the world to change
Waiting on the world to change
Waiting on the world to change.

P.S.: Then get outta here you old s****s, bisanya cuma minta mobil dines ma laptop ajah...

Saat kita menilai diri terlalu tinggi

Tiap hari kita selalu ketemu orang lain, bergaul dengan mereka, sedikitnya membuat kontak dengan mereka. Dalam perkenalan, first impression jadi yang terpenting. Pembawaan kita menarik mereka untuk ingin mengenal lebih jauh, itulah yang bikin perkenalan berlanjut ke hubungan yang lebih dekat. Ga jarang saat kita kenalan dengan orang lain, kita membuat-buat impresi alias jaim, biar dikira orang kita orang yang cool(kas kalii...), terutama pada perkenalan yang melibatkan jenis kelamin yang berbeda. Dari cool itu bisa jadi cool beneran, salah tingkah, dianggap keren, ada juga yang sampe disangka sombong.

Nha , ngomongin soal sombong inilah yang saya pengen cerita. Mahasiswa tuh ya, adalah makhluk yang dinilai paling idealis sedunia. Berangkat dari kenyataan bahwa mereka harusnya jadi lebih dewasa karena udah ga sekolah lagi (saya juga sempet mengalami ini lho...), mereka masih dalam tahap mencari, mo jadi apa kalo udah gedhe (baca:lulus) entar. Seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah semester, trus bertambahnya kerjaan (ya organisasi lah, kuliah bahkan skripsi dan tugas akhir) idealisme itu akan berubah jadi realistis. Yang pengennya penelitian dalam hal-hal tertentu, karena lama ga dapet2 inspirasi jadi banting setir nyari proyek seadanya yang bisa dibikin jadi skripsi. Ngimpi mpe bego pengen bekerja di tempat idaman akhirnya ngejogrok jadi pengangguran. Kalo ngga, sambar aja seadanya, dengan alasan buat batu loncatan (sebenernya siyh lebih ke udah capek nganggur).

Saat kita mulai merasa jadi orang idealis, jadi ngerasa juga paling bener sendiri, yang lain salah. Sombong karena dah ngerasa paling bisa pegang prinsip. Ngerasa dewasa. Saat itulah kita ngerasa kita yang paling baik. Saat itu juga kita jadi menilai diri kita terlalu tinggi. Gampangnyaa... terlalu pede. Guru saya bilang, pede itu bagus. Menolong kita untuk tetap berdiri tegak walo kita malu. Let's us laugh with, not laugh at, begitu kata beliau. Tapi kalo kita ngga introspeksi, itulah yang kebablasan. Nyungsep di tempat yang sama. Ga da orang yang mo deket ma orang yang sombong (kecuali yang kupingnya tebel of course).

Seorang profesor pernah berkata,"Semenjak saya jadi profesor, pemasukan saya jadi berkurang. Orang udah ga mau lagi ngajak saya jadi narasumber." Iyalah! Orang itu ga introspeksi. Mentang2 dah jadi profesor, pendapatnya adalah titah, paling bener. Minta amplopnya juga lebih tebel dibanding yang bukan profesor. Yaa... gimana orang mo minta dia jadi narasumber kalo harganya di atas "standar".

Terlalu pede kemudian bikin presentasi hasil karyanya di depan rekan-rekan sekerja. Dengan mencolok nambahin animasi macem2 yang malah ga eye catchy melainkan bingung harus ngeliat yang mana. Ga bagus, norak iye... Tapi teuteup kekeh bilang,"Gue nyentrik!" Nyentrik? Mungkin nyentrik=nyleneh. Kalo jadi keren gapapa, jadinya wagu kalo dalam bahasa Cina.... Ga da yang mo liat.

Gaya, paling bisa bahasa Belanda, sedikit2 nambahin kata2 aneh yang ngga dimengerti awam. Melayang-layang aja deh lagak katanya, ga da yang mo ndengerin karena ngga ngarti. Kata temen, ngga membumi. Silahkan lanjutkan, orang bakal nggugu karepe dhewe.

Sok bisa nulis cerita paling keren. Nulis ngalor ngidul di blog. Padahal juga ga ngarti yang ditulis apa. Yang penting punya blog... katanya. Yang ada di blog-nya padahal cuma cerita dari dia mencret di pagi hari sampe ngiler di malem hari. (kok kayanya saya juga iyah kalo yang ini.... hehehe...) berasa selebriti aja nulis keseharian biar bisa dibaca penggemar.

Begitulah. Adda aja efek buruk dari menilai diri terlalu tinggi. When human started to think that they were the best on earth, they started to destroy everything. In the name of economy, everything is legal. They started to exploit everything that they can use, eat and drink. Without knowing the local wisdom, that our environment is screaming asking for help. They need to recover, to take a deep breath. But we, human, don't care lah.... kata orang Tumasik.

Local wisdom teach us, to live with our mother nature, not just live at. Realise that what we do, better or worse, is comin' back to us. Don't blame the earth whether they started to shaking making an earthquake, or throw their hot lava out, or burst to tears and making food and tsunami. Lo kire cuma manusia yang bisa demo! begitu kata bumi kita. When our nature is on their 'bad mood', don't think that we, human, could survive. Go ahead and said that we could use our resources freely, and you'll see that someday not only the polar bear who dying to swim to find land, but homo sapiens as well.

P.S.: Ga penting banget sich nulis kaya gini. Curhat ya Mbak?

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Lagi riset...

Udah dibilangin kalo lagi ngeriset juga ga percaya amat sich....

Friday, 7 December 2007

Lagi riset

Dibesarkan sebagai orang Jawa (bukannya mo jadi rasis yah) membuat saya tau kalo ada banyak hal yang merupakan kearifan tradisional masyarakat yang sebenarnya dikembangkan dan diturunkan dari orang tua ke anak untuk hidup bersama alam, bukan hanya memanfaatkannya untuk kebutuhan kita doang. Hal kayak gini ga cuman adadi suku jawa aja. Saya yakin kita semua bisa kembali mengenang apa yang ibu bapak ato kakek nenek ajarkan pada kita tentang alam. Suatu saat nanti saya pengen aja sih nulis tentantang hal2 kaya wayang, batik, rumah joglo de el el. Tapi nunggu riset dulu yah.

Jadi pengen lebih mengenal UMAR KAYAM.

P.S.:Siapapun yang udah posting email ke saya tentang ini saya ga tau bilang apa, yang pasti bikin hidup saya jadi ga tenang. Well, just trying to be positive thinker lately (but keep on posting "GANYANG MALAYSIA" emails to the milist). But I think what they write in the blogs suppose to be critics for us. Hard to be accepted I know but some of them are true. What the hecks with this q-board anyway?

Monday, 3 December 2007

Gw Menderitaaaaaa......!!!

Entah ada angin apa dengan PDAM di Kota Semarang ini. Selama beberapa hari ini, terhitung mulai hari Kamis (sebelum tanggal posting ini, itung 'ndiri dah tanggal brapa) air PDAM mati. Inalillahi wa inna lillahi roji'un.....

Sebelum peristiwa berlangsung, dalam beberapa hari sebelumnya, air cukup keruh sehingga tidak tega untuk menggunakan mandi. Bahkan beberapa korban nekat menggunakannya mandi dengan ber-sabun-kan sabun antiseptik untuk menghindarkan diri dari berbagai penyakit kulit akut berupa panu, kadas, kurap dan herpes serta komplikasi ketiganya. Laporan pandangan mata menyebutkan bahwa air yang benar2 tidak 'tega' untuk digunakan sebagai air minum ini meninggalkan jejak di TKP dalam bentuk endapan coklat yang kayanya ngga enak dimakan. Oooh...

Akibat dari kejadian ini sungguh amat memilukan, dimana setiap pagi menjelang dan hasrat menunaikan perjuangan mengeluarkan toksin dari perut semakin menggila tidak dapat dituntaskan daripada meninggalkan jejak memilukan di dalam toilet yang jijay bajay. Belum lagi teriakan,"Air.... Air.... Air...!" yang dilagukan dengan nada dasar sama dengan C minor dengan hitungan tiga per empat sama dengan nol koma tujuh puluh lima. Sempat nyaris terjadi sebuah peristiwa tragis dimana semua orang berebut air yang nyaris juga menyebabkan tawuran yang tidak berperikemanusiaan antara manusia dan tumbuhan gelombang cinta yang berteriak minta disirami 3 kali hari sesudah makan.

Ooh... Dasar PAM *@*#$%&! Mengganggu orang bikin skripsi ajah....!